"Once Upon" My New Owl Art Piece

I gotten really interested in drawing animals lately. I guess its because of how each one of them possess their own vibe almost. Its amazing how an image of an animal can change the image atmosphere to go from a dark eerie feeling, to bringing a sense to happiness. The owl how ever, ties in both worlds and that's what I love (and hate)about owls. 

Honestly owls scare the s*** out of me. It could be the eyes, or just the presence of owls in general, but they also tie in a since of beauty to them as well. 

Honestly it is one of my favorite art pieces I made this year. I never used the color brown before but since it is a barn owl I wanted to stick to its natural coloring. 
The initial idea was to make the pink bar that surrounds the owl and make it stick out but I decided to bleed it in with the colors. Thought it was looking a bit too pink so I added teal to put a lay of contrast. 

The original idea was to make the image of the barn owl surrounded by dark purple and blue watercolor splashes. But I decided to just make it a bright tone.

Here is a sketchbook view of it under different lighting. 

And than coming soon to the etsy and storenvy store! (well first Etsy) This art piece will be made into IPhone4, IPhone5, Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, and Galaxy S5. I honestly don't know if I will release this art piece on to society 6 thought but we will see!



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