Why I Decideded to Be An Artist

We all figure out one way or another, what we would want to do with our lives. Some come when you don't expect it, and some come as planned. For me it was both plan and unexpected at the same time I guess. 

I always wanted to be an artist.. until I got older because everyone around me was telling me it "Wasn't Realistic" or that "It's Not A Stable Living"  and yeah I believed them. Was I crushed? Nope honestly I didn't care. I had no exceptions on what I wanted to be in life,I just wanted to exist.

After a few years of trying to figure it all out, I decided to be a fashion designer, because it was like art and the thought of owning my own brand excited me. 


I open the mail box in hope that I would get a letter from the fashion design school I wanted to 
attend; to tell me that I won the scholarship to attend their school so I can finally start my dream career.  

I didn't get it, and with the high cost of tuition for the school, I would never be able to attend it. 
My parents suggested I take out loans or work.. but I didn't like any of those options

Plus the love of fashion designing died out. 

So What happened?

I cried. My life was always focused on building a future. But I had no future to build to at that point. 

I asked my boyfriend what I should do.. Who, at the time,  should have been the last person I should have asked because he had no plan on what he wanted to do with his life too. 

He asked me what I wanted to do 
and I said " I want to be an artist, but I know I can't make a stable living from it" 

He said
"You don't know that.."

And as simple as that advice was, it was the turning point for me to actually try.

I told myself if it doesn't work out within year.... quit.

Its two years already and I'm still going. I would have NEVER expected any of this. 
I didn't expect to get it as big as it got. I didn't think anyone would buy my art.. yet I have some months were I lose track of how many orders I get for my art. 

I didn't expect to be featured anywhere or to work with anyone

I had no idea I would be able to be an artist as a career. 
I didn't even expect everything to fall in to place either
My boyfriend even found something he wanted to do because of my art, He wanted to design clothing, so he started a clothing brand using some of my art I design for it. Our first week we were sold out for all of our shirts. 

So why did I decide to be an artist? I didn't decide for myself , I felt like life decided that I should be an artist.


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