7 Benefits To Owning A Piece of Art

Not only is art beautiful to look at and precious to own, there are surprisingly a lot of benefits to owning a piece of art. It doesn't even have to be an original piece of art either. Even if you own an art print or an original, it doesn't matter! The art you purchase has the same effect and benefits that all artwork has. Here are 10 benefits to owning a piece of art below! Feel free to share this post with someone who is thinking about buying art as well. These tips are perfect for someone who is buying art for the very first time or someone who is thinking about buying a new art piece but needs a reason to.

buying art, owning art


1. It Allows Instant Escape From Life When You Need It
Having a bad day? Or simply very exhausted from work or school? It has been proven that having a piece of art to look at while you rest gives you a since of escape from life allowing you to relax better. I remember those times where I would be having a horrible day and would drive to my boyfriend's house and just lay on his bed. On his wall is a beautiful sunflower painting that I always seem to get lost in. I start to forget my problems or I forget the fact that i'm tired just by looking at it. Why? Because my focus is somewhere else, I can only think of the colors, what was use to make the painting, how I would love sunflowers like that, and what was going through the artist's head when they made the painting. 

2. It Greatly Impacts the Creativity and Inspiration of Children
I became an artist because I was exposed to art at such a young age. Its always important to stimulate the creativity of younger children. It helps stimulate their mind while keeping them busy at the same time. Art is a great thing to own if you have children. I have a niece and nephew who would love to watch me draw and create a new thing. They start to ask all these questions and I was able to teach them colors and basic forms through art. Now it's one of their hobbies that they love. It makes me happy to see a small blob on a piece of paper that my niece drew  claiming it to be me. Of course I don't look like a blob, but it makes me happy to know she is using her imagination.

3. It Creates an Environment. 
Depending on the type of art you buy, it creates a feel for the whole entire room that you and your guest will instantly feel. Its a common method used in many office spaces and restaurants in order to create a certain mood or feel. Like how a deli can have paintings of freshly soaked  tomatoes to promote freshness or how a cafe can have paintings of a cup with smoke coming from the top to promote a warm atmosphere. You can instantly create an atmosphere of your choice just by buying one piece of art.

4.  Its Lets People Get To Know You Better.
You can tell a lot about a person depending on the type of art they buy. For example, a deep thinker may purchase an abstract art piece that represents her ideals. Or a person who is into cars may buy a painting of a car to showcase in his living room. Depending on what art you buy, people often reflect your personalty from it without you having to say a word.

5. Its Instant Inspiration
Found an art piece that inspires you? Maybe it promotes a positive  attitude  in your life or maybe it motivates you to work on a project. Having instant motivation to look at is proven to boost creativity, and productivity. 

6. You Own a Piece of That Artist's Life. 
An artist place a piece of their life in every art piece they make. The pieces they make reflects their emotions, hopes, dreams, weaknesses, and aspirations and you own a part of it now. Its like getting to know another person, you now earn a piece of an artist's life.. which is clearly very valuable. How beautiful is it to know that you are sharing the life of someone else just buy owing a piece of their art. 

7. It Gives Walls Life
This is a more obvious one, but it really does add more personality to your blank walls. The look and feel of your home changes instantly once a piece of art is added to your walls. Thus giving your blank walls more personality and character. 

Like these reasons? You are always free to share these with others too, someone else might enjoy these reasons too!  But after reading all these, you may want to start buying art now. But where would you begin? There are manly places you can buy art from. One of the places I prefer and recommend to others is Etsy.com. There are many art pieces for sale on there with something for everyone. 

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